Hauptsächlich spielen, ja. Wofür sind sie heutzutage noch nützlich? Gucken wir dafür doch in die Vergangenheit – in die 70er bis 90er – was Leute damals so mit ihnen gemacht haben.
Video Quellen:
[1] MicroLive, BBC, 1984 https://youtu.be/9vVq1bpx4Ag
[2] “Commodore 64 with TC64 Accelerator using Printmaster to print to a laser printer”, redrumloa, https://youtu.be/rQZ0pFiihmQ
[3] “The Font Wars”, Typography.Guru, https://youtu.be/5X9Dj7tBlkg
[4] “Connecting a C64 to WiFi”, Nostalgia Nerd, https://youtu.be/fX3k6EZsZCM
[5] “Dial-up BBS with an Acoustic Coupler on a Commodore PET 2001”, Timothy Colegrove, https://youtu.be/_bSMJQbUpL0
[6] “Apple Macintosh Classic (1990) Start Up and Demonstration”, Jason’s Macintosh Museum, https://youtu.be/f_GBeKVijWQ
[7] “Original Elite on the BBC B”, Computerphile, https://youtu.be/owz7XExO-Wk
[8] Computerzeit #18, Bayrischer Rundfunk, 1986, https://youtu.be/glByI9xQ8A
[9] “25c3 – The Ultimate Commodore 64 Talk”, Christiaan008, https://youtu.be/ZsRRCnque2E
[10] “Timex Sinclair 2068 – The American ZX Spectrum”, The 8-Bit Guy, https://youtu.be/fTKckoSj-OE
[11] “Yesterday’s Computer of Tomorrow – The Xerox Alto │ Smalltalk-76 Demo”, Computer History Museum, https://youtu.be/NqKyHEJe9_w
[12] “Chevtech Disk Drive – MS-DOS Chevrolet Software from 1987”, LGR, https://youtu.be/I89vPzhpNNA
[13] “Estimating Pi With Commodore 64 Logo”, 8-Bit Show and Tell, https://youtu.be/Nv5jl1l909s
[14] The Computer Chronicles, PBS, 1984, https://youtu.be/oh8EQaEnvss
[15] WarGames, MGM, 1983, https://youtu.be/KXzNo0vR_dU
[16] IBM Archives Unit, IBM, 1970, https://youtu.be/Tb0cRL2mnbA
[17] “Plato IV terminal (manufactured by Magnavox)”, Aaron Woolfson, https://youtu.be/5qtNz480DyA
[18] “Using a 1930 Teletype as a Linux Terminal”, CuriousMarc, https://youtu.be/2XLZ4Z8LpEE
[19] “PLATO computer system released at Sac State”, KCRA News, https://youtu.be/51P9F4IDuzQ
[20] “«dnd» gameplay video (PLATO, 1975-1977)”, Spillhistorie.no, https://youtu.be/hdPrzb534TY
[21] “Ken Olsen DEC 1957 – 1989”, Nancy Loves Dogs , https://youtu.be/VEf2Xf7Urn8
[22] “Commodore4ever BBS”, commodore4ever, https://youtu.be/U8g1isIFQQM
[23] Database, Thames Television, 1984, https://youtu.be/szdbKz5CyhA
[24] WDR Computer Club, WDR, 1995, https://youtu.be/cdrdNJUAbMo
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